2018 12 02 WUNDERBILD I katharina grosse

“As a child, I would play a game with myself where before I got up, I had to first erase the shadows on the wall. I invented an invisible paintbrush to paint over the shadows of the windowsill or the lamp or whatever was there. It became like an obsession. For me, looking at the world has always been connected to doing something in it, on it, or with it at the same time. Painting facilitates the synchronicity of acting and thinking in the most amazing way because there's no transmitter between the tools and me. A painting is simply a screen between the producer and the spectator where we can both look at the thought processes residing on the screen from different angles and points in time. It enables me to look at the residue of my thinking”.
                                                                                                                         katharina grosse

die national galerie in prag zeigt im messepalast noch bis zum 31. märz 2019 die arbeit "wunderbild" der künstlerin katharina grosse I národní galerie praha – veletržní palác, dukelských hrdinů 47, 170 00 praha 7- holešovice I

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